(SFP:Statement of financial position)
一般的には貸借対照表(BS:Balance sheet)と呼ばれますが、IFRSでは財政状態計算書という用語が使用されています。実務上はどちらも混同されて使用されていますが、ほとんどの企業はBSという用語を使用しています。
流動資産 | Current assets |
現金 | Cash |
現金及び現金同等物 | Cash and cash equivalents |
現金及び預金 | Cash and deposits |
預金 | Bank |
小口現金 | Petty Cash |
売掛金 | Trade receivable Accounts receivable – trade |
受取手形 | Notes receivable Notes receivable – trade |
売上債権 | Receivables |
貸倒引当金 | Allowance for doubtful accounts |
有価証券 | Securities |
商品 | Merchandise |
棚卸資産 | Inventories |
半製品 | Semi-finished goods |
原材料 | Raw materials |
仕掛品 | Work in process |
製品 | Finished goods |
貯蔵品 | Supplies |
前渡金 | Advances Advance payments |
前払費用 | Prepaid expenses Prepayments |
未収収益 | Accrued income Accruals |
未収利息 | Interest receivable |
未収配当金 | Dividends receivable |
未収入金 | Accounts receivable – other |
立替金 | Advances paid |
未収消費税等 | Taxes receivable |
未収還付法人税等 | Income taxes receivable |
貸付金 | Loans receivable |
短期貸付金 | Short-term loans receivables |
固定資産 | Non-current assets Fixed assets |
有形固定資産 | Property, plant and equipment PPE |
建物 | Buildings |
構築物 | Structures |
機械及び装置 | Machinery and equipment |
車両運搬具 | Vehicles |
工具、器具及び備品 | Equipment Tools, furniture and fixtures |
減価償却費累計額 | Accumulated depreciation |
減損損失累計額 | Accumulated impairment loss |
土地 | Land |
建設仮勘定 | Construction in progress |
使用権資産 | Right of use assets |
無形固定資産 | Intangible assets |
特許権 | Patent rights |
商標権 | Trademark rights |
著作権 | Copyrights |
借地権 | Leasehold rights |
ソフトウェア | Software |
ソフトウェア借勘定 | Software in progress |
電話加入件 | Telephone subscription rights |
投資その他の資産 | Investments and other assets |
投資有価証券 | Investment securities |
関係会社株式 | Share of subsidiaries and associates |
出資金 | Investments |
関係会社出資金 | Investments of subsidiaries and associates |
長期貸付金 | Long-term loans receivables |
関係会社長期貸付金 | Long-term loans receivables from subsidiaries and associates |
長期前払費用 | Long-term prepaid expenses Long-term Prepayments |
敷金 | Lease deposits |
差入保証金 | Garantee deposits |
長期貸倒引当金 | Allowance for doubtful accounts |
年金資産 | Net pension assets |
繰延税金資産 | Deferred tax assets |
売却目的保有資産 | Non-current assets held for sale |
流動負債 | Current liabilities |
買掛金 | Trade payable Accounts payable – trade |
支払手形 | Notes payable Notes payable – trade |
仕入債務 | Payables |
短期借入金 | Short-term loans payable |
1年内償還予定の社債 | Bonds due within one year |
1年内返還予定の長期借入金 | Current portion of long terms payable |
未払費用 | Accrued expenses |
前受金 | Advances received Advances by customers Advances by employees |
前受収益 繰延収益 | Deferred income Unearned revenue |
賞与引当金 | Provision for bonuses |
役員賞与引当金 | Provision for bonuses for directors |
製品保証引当金 | Provision for product warranties |
工事損失引当金 | Provision for loss on construction contracts |
未払金 | Accounts payable – other |
未払税金等 | Accrued taxes |
未払法人税等 | Income taxes payable |
仮受金 | Suspense receipt |
固定負債 | Non-current liabilities Fixed liabilities |
社債 | Bonds |
長期借入金 | Long-term loans payable |
関係会社長期借入金 | Long-term loans payable to subsidiaries and associates |
退職給付引当金 | Provision for retirement benefits |
年金負債 | Net pension liabilities |
退職給付引当金 | Provision for Retirement benefits |
役員退職慰労引当金 | Provision for Retirement benefits for directors |
リース債務 | Lease liabilities |
資産除去債務 | Asset retirement obligations |
受入保証金 | Deposits received |
長期未払金 | Long-term payable |
繰延税金負債 | Deferred tax liabilities |
純資産 | Net assets |
株主資本 | Shareholders’ equity |
資本金 | Share capital Capital stock |
資本剰余金 | Share premium Capital surplus |
資本準備金 | Legal capital surplus |
利益剰余金 | Retained earnings |
利益準備金 | Legal retained earnings |
自己株式 | Treasury shares |
その他包括利益累計額 | Accumulated other comprehensive income |
評価換算差額 | Revaluation reserves Revaluation surplus |
繰延ヘッジ損益 | Deferred gains or losses on hedges |
土地再評価差額金 | Revaluation reserve for land |
為替換算調整勘定 | Foreign currency translation adjustment |
退職給付に関わる調整累計額 | Remeasurements of defined benefit plans |
新株予約権 | Subscription rights |
非支配株主持分 | Non-controlling interests |
その他資本構成要素 | Other components of equity OCE |
(SPL:Statement of profit or loss)
損益計算書は、PL:Profit and loss statement、SI:Statement of incomeなどの表記が使用されます。実務上は圧倒的にPLと呼ばれることが多いですが、ACCA試験ではSPL:Statement of profit or lossで覚えましょう。
ACCA試験でSPLの作成という問題が出題された際は、その他包括利益(OCI:Other comprehensive income)の計算や表示は含まれません。
日本基準との大きな違いは、IFRSでは営業外収益、営業外費用、すなわち経常利益という考え方はありませんので、利息や配当などの金融収益・費用以外の収益・費用は全て営業利益に含まれます。またIFRSでは特別利益(Extraordinary gain)及び特別損失(Extraordinary loss)の使用は認められていません。
売上高 | Sales |
売上高 | Sales |
売上値引及び返品 | Sale returns and allowance |
売上割引 | Sale discounts |
売上原価 | Cost of sales Cost of goods sold |
期首棚卸高 | Beginning inventories |
仕入 | Purchases |
仕入値引及び返品 | Purchases returns and allowances |
仕入割引 | Purchases discounts |
期末棚卸高 | Ending inventories |
売上総利益(損失) | Gross profit (loss) |
営業費用 | Operating costs Operating expenses |
販売費及び一般管理費 | Selling, general and administrative expenses |
販売費 | Selling expenses |
一般管理費 | General and administrative expenses |
販売物流費 | Distribution expenses |
管理費 | Administration expenses |
販売手数料 | Sales commission |
荷造費 | Packing expenses |
運送費 | Freight expenses |
広告宣伝費 | Advertisement expenses |
見本費 | Sample expenses |
保管費 | Warehousing expenses |
役員報酬 | Directors’ compensations |
給料 | Salary expense |
賃金 | Wage expense |
従業員給料 | Employees’ salary expenses |
退職金 | Retirement payments |
手当 | Allowance |
賞与 | Bonus expenses |
福利厚生費 | Welfare expenses |
法定福利費 | Legal welfare expenses |
研修費 | Training expenses |
交際費 | Entertainment expenses |
旅費交通費 | Travel expenses |
通信費 | Communication expenses |
郵送費 | Postage expenses |
水道光熱費 | Utilities expenses |
地代家賃 | Rental expenses |
修繕費 | Repair expenses |
修繕維持費 | Repair and maintenance expenses |
事務用品費 | Stationery expenses |
保険料 | Insurance expenses |
図書費 | Library expenses |
会費 | Membership expenses |
広告宣伝費 | Advertising expenses |
販売促進費 | Promotion expenses |
消耗品費 | Supplies expenses |
研究費 | Research expenses |
寄付金 | Donation expenses Contribution expenses |
租税効果 | Other tax expenses |
減価償却費 | Depreciation expenses |
貸倒引当金繰入額 | Provision for doubtful accounts |
貸倒損失 | Bad debt expense |
賞与引当金繰入額 | Provision for bonuses |
役員賞与引当金繰入額 | Provision for directors’ bonuses |
役員退職慰労引当金繰入額 | Provision for directors’ retirement benefits |
退職給付費用 | Retirement benefit expenses |
のれん償却額 | Amortization of goodwill |
有価証券売却益 | Loss on sale of securities |
関係会社株式売却損 | Loss on sale of shares of subsidiaries and associates |
有形固定資産売却損 | Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment |
棚卸資産評価損 | Loss on valuation of inventories |
有形固定資産評価損 | Loss on revaluation of non-current assets |
減損損失 | Impairment loss |
のれん減損損失 | Impairment loss of goodwill |
為替差損 | Foreign currency translation loss |
手形売却損 | Loss on sale of notes payable |
雑費 | Miscellaneous expenses |
営業収益 | Operating income |
有価証券売却益 | Gain on sale of securities |
有形固定資産売却益 | Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment |
為替差益 | Foreign currency translation gain |
受取地代家賃 | Land and house rent received |
雑益 | Miscellaneous expenses |
営業利益 | Operating profit Profit (loss) before interests and taxes PBIT |
金融費用 | Finance costs |
支払利息 | Interest expenses |
持分法による投資損失 | Loss of associates |
金融収益 | Finance income |
受取利息 | Interest income |
受取配当金 | Dividend income |
持分法による投資利益 | Gain of associates |
税引前当期純利益(損) | Profit (loss) before taxes PBT |
法人前等 | Income tax expenses |
継続事業から生ずる収益(損失) | Profit (loss) from continuing operations for the period |
非継続事業から生ずる収益(損失) | Profit (loss) for the period from discontinued operations |
当期純利益 | Profit (loss) for the period |
(SPLOCI:Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income)
包括利益計算書は、CI:Statement of comprehensive incomeと呼ばれますが、ACCA試験においては単体で出題されることはなく、損益計算書と合わせて、SPLOCI:Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive incomeとなります。
当期のその他包括利益 | Other comprehensive income for the year (after tax) |
損益に振り替えられない項目 | Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
固定資産評価差益 | Gain on non-current asset revaluations |
その他の包括利益を通じて公正価値で測定する金融資産評価益(損) | Gain (loss) on fair value through other comprehensive income investment |
退職給付に関わる調整額 | Re-measurement gain (loss) on defined benefit plan |
損益に振り替えられる項目 | Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss |
非有効性キャッシュフローヘッジ益(損) | Ineffective element of gain (loss) on cash flow hedge |
外国子会社為替差損益 | Exchange difference on translation of foreign subsidiary |
税引後その他包括利益 | Other comprehensive income, net of tax |
当期その他包括利益 | Total comprehensive income for the period |
親会社株主に係る包括利益 | Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent |
非支配株主に係る包括利益 | Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests |
(SCF:Statement of cash flows)
(Cash flows from operating activities)
営業活動によるキャッシュフロー | Cash flows from operating activities |
税引前当期純利益(損失) | Profit (loss) before tax |
減価償却費 | Depreciation |
減損損失 | Impairment loss |
のれん償却額 | Amortization of goodwill |
貸倒引当金増減額(△は減少) | Increase (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts |
為替差損益(△は益) | Foreign exchange loss (gain) |
持分法による投資損益(△は益) | Loss (gain) of associates |
関係会社売却損益(△は益) | Loss (gain) on sale of subsidiaries and associates |
有形固定資産売却損益(△は益) | Loss (gain) on sale of property, plant and equipment |
売上債権の増減額(△は増加) | Decrease (increase) in receivables |
棚卸資産の増減額(△は増加) | Decrease (increase) in inventories |
仕入債務の増減額(△は減少) | Increase (decrease) in payables |
引当金の増減額(△は減少) | Increase (decrease) in provision |
退職給付に関わる負債の増減額(△は減少) | Increase (decrease) in net pension liabilities |
投資有価証券売却損(△は益) | Loss (gain) on sales of securities |
投資有価証券評価損(△は益) | Loss (gain) on valuation of securities |
有形固定資産売却損(△は益) | Loss (gain) on sales of non-current assets |
有形固定資産除却損 | Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment |
受取利息 | Interest received |
支払利息 | Interest paid |
支払法人税等 | Income tax paid |
営業活動によるキャッシュフロー | Cash generated from operating activities |
(Cash flows from investing activities)
投資活動によるキャッシュフロー | Cash flows from investing activities |
投資有価証券の取得 | Purchase of securities |
投資有価証券の売却 | Proceeds from sale of securities |
有形固定資産の取得 | Purchase of property, plant and equipment |
有形固定資産の売却 | Proceeds from property, plant and equipment |
関係会社の取得 | Purchase of subsidiaries and associates |
関係会社の売却に | Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries and associates |
受取配当金 | Dividend received |
投資活動によるキャッシュフロー | Cash generated from investing activities |
(Cash flows from financing activities)
財務活動によるキャッシュフロー | Cash flows from financing activities |
短期借入金の返済 | Repayment of shor-term loan |
短期借入金 | Proceeds from short-term loan |
借入金の返済 | Repayment of long-term loan |
借入金 | Proceeds from long-term loan |
社債の償還 | Repayment of bond |
社債の発行 | Proceeds from bond issue |
株式の発行 | Proceeds from share issue |
自己株式の取得 | Purchase of treasury shares |
非支配株主への配当金の支払 | Dividend paid to non-controlling interests |
支配株主への配当金の支払 | Dividend paid to owners of parent |
財務活動によるキャッシュフロー | Cash generated from financing activities |
(SOCE:Statement of changes in equity)
株主資本等変動計算書は純資産の変動を表す財務諸表で、ACCAの試験上はではSOCE:Statement of changes in equityと表記されますが、その他の表記としてCN:Statement of changes in net assets、SS:Statement of shareholders’ equityなどがあります。
株主資本等期首残高 | Beginning balance of Shareholders’ equity |
前期調整 | Prior year adjustments |
調整後株主資本等期首残高 | Adjusted beginning balance of Shareholders’ equity |
新株発行 | Issue of share capital |
新株発行(新株予約権の行使) | Issue of share capital – exercise of subscription rights |
配当 | Dividends |
親会社株主に帰属する当期包括利益(損失) | Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to owners of parents |
利益剰余金への振替 | Transfer to retained earnings |
ヘッジ対象の損益実現による増加(減少) | Realised gain (loss) on hedged object |
当期変動額合計 | Total changes during the year |
株主資本等期末残高 | Ending balance of Shareholders’ equity |