Financial Management(FM)の概要


ここでは、ACCA試験のSkills Module科目のうち、Financial Management(FM)の概要について説明します。





シラバスの8. Introduction to the syllabusより意訳


  • 財務マネジメント機能の役割や目的を説明できる。
  • 財務マネジメントにおける経済環境の影響を評価、説明できる。
  • 運転資本のマネジメント手法を適用、説明できる。
  • 効果的な投資評価を行うことができる。
  • 異なる資金源を識別、評価できる。
  • ビジネス及び資産評価理論を説明、応用できる。
  • ビジネスにおけるリスクマネジメントの手法を説明、応用できる。

シラバスの9. Main capabilitiesより意訳



Section A

  • 15問(各2点)のObjective questions

Objective questionsには以下のものが含まれます。
Multiple choice(選択問題)
Short answer(1文程度の短い文章や計算結果の入力)

Section B

  • 3問(各10点)のCase-based questions

Case-based questionsは、5問のObjective questions(各2点)からなる共通シナリオベースの問題です。

Section C

  • 2問(各20点)のConstructed response questions.

Section Cの各問題は、運転資本マネジメント、投資評価やファイナンスの分野から出題されます。

シラバスの7. Approach to examining the syllabusより意訳


A. Financial management function

  1. The nature and purpose of financial management
  2. Financial objectives and relationship with corporate strategy
  3. Stakeholders and impact on corporate objectives
  4. Financial and other objectives in not-for- profit organisations

B. Financial management environment

  1. The economic environment for business
  2. The nature and role of financial markets and institutions
  3. The nature and role of money markets

C. Working capital management

  1. The nature, elements and importance of working capital
  2. Management of inventories, accounts receivable, accounts payable and cash
  3. Determining working capital needs and funding strategies

D. Investment appraisal

  1. Investment appraisal techniques
  2. Allowing for inflation and taxation in DCF
  3. Adjusting for risk and uncertainty in investment appraisal
  4. Specific investment decisions (lease or buy, asset replacement, capital rationing)

E. Business finance

  1. Sources of, and raising, business finance
  2. Estimating the cost of capital
  3. Sources of finance and their relative costs
  4. Capital structure theories and practical considerations
  5. Finance for small- and medium-sized entities (SMEs)

F. Business valuations

  1. Nature and purpose of the valuation of business and financial assets
  2. Models for the valuation of shares
  3. The valuation of debt and other financial assets
  4. Efficient market hypothesis (EMH) and practical considerations in the valuation of shares

G. Risk management

  1. The nature and types of risk and approaches to risk management
  2. Causes of exchange rate differences and interest rate fluctuations
  3. Hedging techniques for foreign currency risk
  4. Hedging techniques for interest rate risk



